*A Way of Life Since 1983*
Life is the real deal journey..
add #surf it will help you flow, breath in a positive different way and to feel straight Contact with mother Nature🙏
Respect it
Protect it AND dont Trash it
Enjoy #earthdayeveryday
Photo sec by Abel las flores
Working on my back side🤙 at punta Rocas el Salvador waves none stop 🙏
Photo🙌 secuence by legendary mr @tonyrobertsphoto
😀🤙Your are just "ONE click away to learn to Surf the correct way or to better your surf skills"
✍ reserve your surf appointment in advance, to set the best surf conditions accoording to your skills..
#surfcamp #surflessons #cabaretesurf #cabarete #surftravelers #surfinstructor
One with nature Life is about perspective and the way we breath with it 🙏🌊 "There's always a way to see it from another and better angle 🙌
from above moment capture by @xiaroberts
mr @tonyrobertsphoto
Latelly not surfing much but defenetlly enjoin it More "Don't count the years but sure yes the moments!!!"
Moment captured by
🙌 mr @tonyrobertsphoto
Yewwww!! It been a long time!!!
🙏 Awesome moments
🙌 to every one for cheering at the beach and tunning up for the next one😎👌 Master Surf Reunion 🇩🇴🌊
Full clip at @masterssurfreunionrd
Super STOKED to be part Again!! Back to the podium this time for a 3rd place😎🤙at the @masterssurfreunionrd 6 🙌
"The Surfing level was off the roof with elite world champion level and top level 🇩🇴💪surfers!! Big congrats to the winners🙏
the staff was on.point!
And mainly #encuentrolibre for a better Surfing future #republicadominicana🇩🇴
Video clip by : Franklin
Round house cut back
"After this wave i broke 2 fins " i kept on goin on a side fin the entire session
🙌Photo by @drstockdalephotography
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